Thursday, July 17, 2008


Every time I venture out for a rock concert these days,
I find each band’s going through a funky ‘hip-hop’ phase,
I get sorely disappointed by the numbers that they choose,
They seem to prefer soulful rap to good old rhythm and blues,
I get to hear some ‘MNM’ when I crave for Jethro Tull;
.... Well, life’s like that these modern times, nary a moment dull!

Then, when I take the family out for a routine evening meal,
I look down at the menu card and it surely does reveal
No Tandoori, no Moghlai food, no Thai, nor English Raj,
It’s ‘fusion food’ that fill the card, from Flury’s to the Taj,
That simple, wholesome Chinese fare is all but void and null;
.... Well, life’s like that these modern times, nary a moment dull!

Then, when we go out for a movie, we’re seldom in a hall,
Instead we find our forlorn selves in a glitzy shopping mall,
And after spending useless cash on designer 'corn-flex'
We climb the escalator to some fancy ‘multi-plex’,
Jostling for our places, like that storm before the lull;
.... Well, life’s like that these modern times, nary a moment dull!


Blogger Shalmi said...

very nice. all clever and observant and everything. but why repeat a two-year-old post?

7:48 PM  

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